Home Education Love and Dating : 10 Dangers of Recreational Kissing

Love and Dating : 10 Dangers of Recreational Kissing


Before you go ahead and kiss your partner, pause briefly and consider these 10 tips on why recreational lip locking is not such a good idea.

Think first before locking those lips. It all starts with a kiss. If you are a born again Christian and in a relationship, then you know romance is a very dicey matter to dabble in.

Here are 10 reasons you should open this door carefully.

  1. It commonly takes place in “private”, not in “public”… which can be a hazardous trap for young Christian singles. Don’t put yourself in bad positions that will be difficult to get out of.

  2. Kissing is still a part of yourself that you’re giving away to someone, so make sure this person has been checked thoroughly and they are truly the right person. Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom before going down that road with anyone.

  3. It releases sexual and emotional triggers that can overpower your logic.

  4. You may think you’re falling in love with someone just because you both have great kissing chemistry.

  5. Kissing can slow build like a fire and cause you to do things you wouldn’t normally do.  It’s easy to turn on, but hard to turn off.

  6. Casual kissing can be the source of heavy sexual thinking. It’s hard enough maintaining a purity walk. You don’t need thought pollution working against you also.

  7. Kissing can intertwine your heart with someone prematurely. It’s much better to wait on God’s timing in order to avoid severe heartbreak and regret.

  8. It can lead to inappropriate touching and premarital sex. People don’t normally just jump into having sex, it usually starts with a kiss. If purity is your goal, be cautious and think before locking those lips.

  9. You could develop an addiction. It sounds funny, but it’s a scientific fact that kissing can become like a drug because it releases dopamine and endorphins to your brain giving feelings of pleasure and euphoria.

  10. The relationship can develop faster than God intends for it too.  This becomes a problem because a couple can become emotionally attached before working out spiritual compatibility. Guard your heart and follow the Holy Spirit to preserve your intimacy for God’s timing and with the one God has for you!

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